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Screwtape is a dedicated devil and the author of all the letters that appear in the novel. He is committed to enticing as many souls as possible to sin, damnation, and Hell. As the novel progresses, and especially in the Epilogue, it emerges that Screwtape eats the dead who are damned, enjoying the tastiness of their sins.
Despite being a villainous character, Screwtape is an experienced observer of human nature and behavior. Much more than Wormwood, he grasps Humans as Both Physical and Spiritual Beings and consequently understands how it is that human beings are attracted to either virtue or vice. As a demon, he has many strategies to tempt his “patients” to choose the latter and is particularly articulate on the subjects of pride and lust, though he personally most embodies the sin of gluttony.
Screwtape is also a keen observer of the “Enemy”: God. Screwtape often writes in philosophical ways about the spiritual conflict between Heaven and Hell, but his cynicism about both humanity and God at times clouds his reasoning. For instance, Screwtape is perplexed by The Role of Reason and Free Will in Christian Life, failing to appreciate (at least on an emotional level) why God would grant humanity free will rather than merely force them to behave virtuously. Likewise, he remarks at one point that God cannot really love humans, as love of any kind is antithetical to self-interest. Through such remarks, Lewis characterizes evil in terms of pride and domination, developing his claims about Love, Self-Love, and the Conflict Between Good and Evil.
Wormwood is a novice tempter on his first assignment. He is naïve and ignorant about humans and therefore needs the guidance of a more experienced devil. This is why Screwtape counsels him in the letters that make up the novel.
In Screwtape’s view, Wormwood is much too passive and clumsy in his tempting of the young man. Screwtape would have him influence the young man’s thoughts, feelings, and actions much more carefully. Wormwood largely seems to react when major events occur, such as the young man becoming a churchgoing Christian. Likewise, his understanding of sin is amateurish, to Screwtape’s mind, as he focuses on dramatic missteps rather than the attitudes that underpin them.
Wormwood ultimately fails to capture the young man’s soul. He has failed and will be punished and eaten by Screwtape and the devils. Given that the demons’ creed is self-interest, Lewis leaves open the possibility that Screwtape wished for this outcome all along: Wormwood may well have been set up for failure to satisfy Screwtape’s desires.
This is the term the devils use to designate the young man to whom Wormwood has been assigned as a tempter. The reader only gets Screwtape’s (unreliable) perspective on the young man’s character and behavior, but from the information provided, one can deduce that the young man is middle class and probably has some education. He does not seem to have been raised in a religious family, as his becoming a churchgoing Christian marks a change in his life.
The patient is, in short, an ordinary young man who is decent, good, and reasonably intelligent. He makes several important choices, especially to become a Christian and to pick a Christian woman to love. He does not go to war as a soldier but rather stays at home and works in civil defense. He does not seem to subscribe to the general hatred of the Germans that many English people would have felt at the start of World War II, and when he is killed in an air raid bombing, his soul goes straight to Heaven, where saints, angels, and God welcome him. Thus, he must have been in a “state of grace” despite the devils’ best efforts to entice him into sin.
There is very little information given about the object of the young man’s love. She is a moral woman who comes from a Christian family, but not one given to the kind of fanaticism that would lead them to hate others.
She does have one flaw that Screwtape hopes to exploit: She looks upon nonbelievers as silly, though her attitude is more dismissive than cruel. Screwtape wishes that she will pass this attitude on to the young man and get him to look down on and eventually despise non-Christians. Obviously, this does not happen, which suggests that the woman’s tendency toward judgment is a minor part of who she is.
According to Screwtape’s description of the young man’s mother, she is an older woman who has rheumatism. She is also what Screwtape labels a glutton of “Delicacy.” She demands smaller portions of food perfectly prepared. In doing so, she both shows off her taste and critically judges those who prepare meals for and serve her.
Screwtape is hopeful that this attitude will rub off on the young man and make him more demanding and less tolerant of his neighbors. Again, this does not happen, which may well suggest that the senior devil is exaggerating the mother’s behavior to suit his fantasies of how sinners go astray.
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