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Freida McFaddenA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
A woman is in a cabin where she believes someone is trying to kill her. The cabin goes dark, and she stumbles around the rooms, trying to get to the kitchen to find a weapon. She slips and falls, hitting her elbow hard. She believes she has slipped on blood. She hears footsteps and believes the killer is in the room with her.
Wilhelmina “Millie” Calloway is working for Amber Degraw as a housemaid and occasional babysitter. Amber comes into the kitchen and asks Millie to stay because she has an appointment to get a pedicure and needs a babysitter for her nine-month-old daughter, Olive. Millie debates briefly with herself, struggling with her need to go to class and her desire to earn the large amount of money she knows Amber will pay her to babysit. Millie initially tries to tell Amber no, but Amber insists Millie stay. Olive wakes as they talk, so Millie goes to retrieve the baby from her playpen. As Amber prepares to leave, Olive calls Millie mama, due to the fact that Millie often spends more time with Olive than Amber. Amber hears and becomes angry, accusing Millie of teaching the baby to call her mama.
By Freida McFadden
Never Lie
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One by One
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The Boyfriend
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The Coworker
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The Crash
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The Housemaid
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The Housemaid is Watching
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The Inmate
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The Locked Door
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The Perfect Son
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The Teacher
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Ward D
Freida McFadden