77 pages 2 hours read

Kwame Alexander

The Crossover

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2014

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Part 6Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 6: “Overtime”

Part 6, Poems 1-6 Summary

“Article #2 in the Daily News (January 14),” which is printed one month to the day after the last, states that Chuck Bell, Josh and JB’s dad, has died from a massive heart attack. Having hypertension and multiple fainting spells before his attack, the article also states that “[a]utopsy results found / Bell had a large, / extensively scarred heart” (225). He was only 39 years old.

Josh notes in “Where Do We Go from Here?” that there are no coaches, warm-ups, or practices to prepare him for funerals: “I am unprepared / for death” (227). He listens to his dad’s teammates tell stories, to the preacher praying, and to his mom crying. Josh wishes that the limo waiting outside for them could take them back to when his dad was alive. “Star⋅less [STAHR-LES] adjective” means “[w]ith no stars” (229). Now that his dad is gone, Josh feels every night will be starless. “Basketball Rule #10” states that losses will happen, but champions will get through them, nonetheless.

In “There are so many friends,” people who knew and loved Josh’s dad fill the Bell house. Food, music, and laughter swell throughout the house, drowning out a ringing phone that Josh finds and answers.