77 pages 2 hours read

Kwame Alexander

The Crossover

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2014

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Character Analysis

Joshua Bell

Josh, who goes by the nickname “Filthy McNasty,” is a six-foot, 12-year-old junior high student who excels at basketball. He and his twin brother, JB, play for the Wildcats and are going after the championship this year. Josh is confident, smart, talented, and supported by his team, his coach, his parents, and his brother. He believes that his trademark dreadlocks bring him good luck and a bit of magic just as they did for his dad, Chuck Bell, when he played in the European basketball league. When the building blocks of Josh’s identity slowly start to crumble—he has to cut his locs, his brother spends more time with his new girlfriend, his mother suspends him from the basketball team, and his dad’s health quickly deteriorates—Josh has to find himself again amongst the rubble. He decides that he is a champion, learning that being one does not mean life is easy or simple. Even though he wins the trophy, Josh’s losses are great, but he remains standing next to his brother until the end.

Jordan Bell

Jordan, who goes by “JB,” is Josh’s twin brother. He is an inch shorter than Josh and bald, although they mostly look and sound alike.