52 pages 1 hour read

Bobbie Pyron


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2011

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 41-58Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 41 Summary: “The Scent of Hope”

Baby is brought to a new kennel, which smells different: The door swings open and brings in scents from the outside, which smells of hope. More dogs go to homes from here than in the other kennel. Baby rests, exhausted from all the comings and goings, and misses Jewel.

Chapter 42 Summary: “Light”

Jewel speaks to Bernadette on the phone. She recognizes her sister’s voice, and slowly, other memories come back to her.

Chapter 43 Summary: “Good News, Bad News”

Meg tells Piper that Jewel was thrilled to hear from Bernadette and wants to go live with her. However, Bernadette can’t come and get Jewel, as she is in a wheelchair; Jewel will have to take a bus, for which she doesn’t have money. Baby is also not allowed on the bus.

Tamara at the animal shelter tells Meg and Piper that lots of people are interested in adopting Baby, but they update her on Jewel’s story. Tamara has an idea to help Jewel and Baby: If Baby can be registered as Jewel’s emotional support animal, he can travel on the bus with Jewel. The shelter can hold Baby for another week and even train him for his job.