55 pages 1 hour read

Don L. Wulffson

Soldier X

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Character Analysis

X/Erik Brandt

X, born Erik Brandt, is the narrator, protagonist, and hero of the novel. While X’s name is Erik, and he admits that most people call him that in his professional life, he refers to himself and prefers to go by X, the name he adopted during his stint hiding out in the Russian hospital. This complexity represents a significant thematic force in the novel, as well as a key piece of X’s characterization—he is a chameleon who adapts to every situation. While X does have unique personality traits, one of his most important traits is his will to survive regardless of the cost. He is a moral person, and overall kind, but values his survival over these traits. He is willing to join the German army to save his and his family’s lives, willing to impersonate a Russian soldier to survive, and more; X shapes his identity depending on the situation. This tendency affects everything, particularly his relationship with Tamara, who learns the “truth” but also gets to know him as a person permanently affected by the war and his choices.

To complete this faceless, everyman characterization, X is given minimal description except for being blond.