36 pages 1 hour read

Djuna Barnes


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1936

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Invented, Hidden, and Suppressed Identities

In the first chapter, “Bow Down,” Frau Mann poses this series of half-rhetorical questions to Felix: “Am I what I say? Are you? Is the doctor?" (28). Barnes thus establishes early on falsified identities and alter egos as a central, recurrent theme. In some way, almost every major character presents a falsified version of themselves. Felix presents himself as an aristocrat and a Christian when he is neither. The doctor presents himself as a practitioner of medicine although he is not licensed, and as an Irishman, even though he was born in America. Further, he moves through his public life as a man, although he self-identifies as a woman. Robin initially succumbs to social pressures—fulfilling hetero-normative expectations—and betrays her inner sense of self when she marries Felix, assuming the false title of baronin, and bears a child. However, it becomes clear that her true personality is not suited to monogamy or traditional family life, whether coupled with a man or woman.

Generally, these characters are not operating under pretenses or out of malicious intent. Instead, adopted personas serve as a means of self-preservation. For Felix, his father’s decision to pass as a baron (and Felix’s decision to continue doing so) is a measure to protect against the social and political persecution many Jews faced in Europe at that time. For O’Connor, who in contemporary terms would identify as transsexual, pursuing his dream of living the life of a housewife is unthinkable in the era he is living; he may even face criminal charges if outed. For Robin, the social mores of the time would have had little tolerance for women who did not fit the mold of a strictly heterosexual homemaker. In all of these cases, the societal norms of the era create pressure to conform, forcing characters to present themselves in deceitful ways, and to varying degrees also deceive themselves.  

Motherhood and Motherlessness

The threads of motherhood, motherlessness, the desire to mother, the desire to be mothered, and the desire to undo motherhood recur throughout the novel. This is apparent immediately, from the moment Felix is birthed and then swiftly orphaned in the opening scene. Formed in part by the loss of his mother, and thus a connection to his past, Felix is looking for a mother in Robin, and wants her to mother a son for him as a way of connecting his past and his future.

Robin, on the other hand, wants nothing more than to undo her transition to motherhood. Ironically, Robin plays at motherhood in her both her relationship with Nora and Jenny with the aid of a doll, a stand-in for the child they cannot have together. She sometimes acts like a child who needs mothering, as Nora describes her “playing with her toys, trains, animals and cars to wind up, and dolls and marbles and soldiers” (156).

The doctor and Nora are similar in that their desire to be mothers is unachievable. Nora is referred to by the doctor as someone who "should have had a thousand children" (107). The doctor, in turn, wishes that he could be some man’s wife and “toss up a child for him every nine months" (98).

Guido’s slow development and fragile personality serve as an example of the effects of maternal abandonment, and the negative ripple effects of forcing a woman into the role of mother against her will. In the case of Sylvia, the reader encounters another child who for unknown reasons is motherless and living with Jenny, a friend of the child’s aunt. Sylvia’s infatuation with Robin may be a distorted manifestation of her desire for a mother figure.

The overarching theme of motherhood is bound up with either loss, disappointment, abandonment, denial, repulsion, or unfulfilled dreams. No matter each character’s particular connection to the ideas of mother and motherhood, it is a complicated and unhappy one. 

The False Dichotomy of Night and Day

As evident in its title, much of the novel is set at night and fixates on the night as a site of base desires, illicit activity, animalistic tendencies, and a space where one’s true self surfaces, for better or worse. Several chapter titles directly reference the night, including “Night Watch” and “Watchman, What of the Night?.” The chapter “La Somnambule,” translating to “The Sleepwalker,” is an allusion to a famous 1827 opera about a sleepwalker (a nod to many of the character’s interest in opera) and also symbolizes Robin’s proclivity for heading off into the night alone. On a deeper level, it points to Robin’s social disconnection and inability to take responsibility for her actions, leading her to move through life as if she were sleepwalking.

The negative influence of the night is so strong that it leads Nora to consider its role in Robin’s betrayal, almost finding the night’s dark pull stronger than Robin’s own free will. It would be easy to categorize Nightwood’s use of day and night as binary, and employing day versus night as equating to good versus evil; however, O’Connor breaks down the notion that this dichotomy is universal during a lengthy, philosophical, stream of consciousness speech after Nora asks him to tell her everything he knows about the night. He notes that the night is typically the time when one’s subconscious can roam freely, and especially crucial to his argument is his insistence that various cultures perceive of night and day differently. He believes that Americans cleanly divide night and day because they are fearful of the improprieties and potentially-immoral behavior that might occur if they allow their night consciousness to blend into the day. Alternatively, the French mentality signifies a blending of night and day and seems to afford a kind of continual night, embracing the sensuality and “filthiness” that such a thing might elicit (91).

The Dawn of Modern Cosmopolitanism and Its Tensions

Set primarily in 1920s Europe, Nightwood is an example of the kind of international society that evolved in large cities following World War One. Connected by their collective experience of war, people of different nationalities were able to relate to one another in a new way. Many adopted the attitude that they were citizens of the world, forgoing allegiance to any one nationality.

Characters in the novel move frequently and quickly between European countries, appearing in Berlin in one scene and Paris in the next. Robin takes all of Europe as her territory when she roams on her own by train and by foot, and she seems to travel to and from America whenever the whim strikes her. She makes the transatlantic trip at least three times over the course of the novel: by herself, with Nora, and with Jenny.

In part, this atmosphere of global citizenry facilitates characters—especially Felix and O’Connor—appropriating new, not entirely truthful national identities for their benefit. The brief appearance of Count Onatorio Altamonte is a prime example; Altamonte is said to be “related to every nation” (17).

While the concept of cosmopolitanism ideally promotes equality among all global citizens, based on the idea of a universal core morality, Barnes writes from a perspective of cultural essentialism that highlights the racism and anti-Semitism prevalent in her time. Throughout the text, the concept of “The Jew” is discussed in generalized terms, and set in contrast to an equally essentialized concept of a Christian. O’Connor indulges in cultural essentialism when discussing the difference between himself, an Irishman, and Felix, who is a Jew, saying “all right, Jews meddle and we lie, that’s the difference, the fine difference" (35). O’Connor also uses the derogatory term “nigger” while telling a demeaning story about a black circus performer, and in a testament to the era, no one listening to the tale objects to his language.

Felix is set apart from the mostly cosmopolitan-leaning characters in the novel due to his antiquated nationalistic pride in Austria and the way he has built his sense of self around his relationship to Vienna.