56 pages 1 hour read

Xiran Jay Zhao

Iron Widow

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2021

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Resisting Oppression and Patriarchy

Iron Widow’s central theme is the oppression of women under patriarchy, and the novel extensively explores the various ways in which women choose to resist that oppression. To develop this aspect, Zhao uses the genre conventions of dystopian science fiction to create a world in which misogyny is exaggerated to the extreme. This stylistic choice allows Zhao to highlight a variety of contemporary issues surrounding patriarchal oppression, a primary aspect of which revolves around the common practice of reducing women’s bodies to mere objects for men to use, enjoy, and discard. Wu Zetian is therefore an anomaly in her world; other women simply do not have the ability to openly defy men as she does. At first, Zetian believes that this is because she is uniquely strong compared to other women, a conviction that ironically reinforces the existing stereotypes about women being inherently weaker or lesser than men. As Zetian progresses through her journey, however, she realizes that resisting patriarchy isn’t a simple matter and that women are often bound by patriarchal chains in complicated ways.

Ma Xiuying’s betrayal and the intervention of the Heavenly Council illustrate that resisting oppression isn’t just a matter of willpower. Xiuying is the first woman to speak openly with Zetian about these issues and to chastise her for believing that other women are weaker simply because they acquiesce to patriarchal norms. When Xiuying offers cosmetics for Zetian to cover up her bruises, Zetian is repulsed by the very idea of concealing evidence of domestic violence, believing instead that all men who commit domestic violence against their concubine-pilots should be killed. In this context, Xiuying serves as a direct foil, as well as a symbol to represent those women for whom practical considerations (such as their family’s safety) prevent any attempts at open rebellion. She reminds Zetian that not every woman can be an Iron Widow capable of openly defying men and comments, “[You] have to realize that most concubine pilots can’t just make a scene. The safety and livelihood of their families are on the line” (192). Women who are not Zetian have children, relatives, and siblings to care for; they do not have the time, resources, or connections to enact justice. Killing abusive men and enacting justice require power the likes of which women are systemically stripped in Huaxia. Ma Xiuying demonstrates this when she betrays Zetian in order to save her own children from the government.

Representing the patriarchal forces in this world is the enigmatic Heavenly Council, which stands as the real power behind the government and is thus responsible for the abysmal treatment of women in Huaxia. This dynamic is evidenced by the Council’s demand for women to serve as sacrifices alongside Hundun husks. The Heavenly Council’s reinforcement of patriarchy is baldly apparent in their mission to terrorize and exploit the Indigenous Hunduns on their own planet, for in order to execute this society-wide plan, the women in Huaxia are expected to give up everything—even their lives—for men in order to support the war effort. Additionally, the patriarchal repression of women in Huaxia is strongly linked to the colonization of the conquered planet and the ongoing genocide waged against the Hunduns. Sadly, despite being the strongest pilot alive, Zetian is ultimately incapable of overcoming Huaxia’s patriarchy, for despite her successes in battle, the overarching system remains unconquered. Thus the revelation of Huaxia’s true nature as a colony suggests that patriarchy is bound up with other forms of oppression such as colonization, and that resisting its control is complicated and cannot be achieved through brute force alone.

The Cost of Revenge

Iron Widow is clearly a revenge narrative, for Wu Zetian first desires vengeance against the man who killed her sister, then extends that ambition to a desire for revenge against the very system that made her sister’s death possible. As a peasant woman with a disability, Zetian is in a position of severe disadvantage in a patriarchal society, and her quest for vengeance requires her to take many morally ambiguous actions and ultimately become an anti-hero, becoming at times complicit in the very system that she seeks to destroy. Prime examples of this occur when she turns on Xiuying and when she attempts to seduce Yang Guang to further her own murderous ends.

Zetian’s insatiable thirst for revenge thus molds her into a harder, colder person as the narrative progresses. In the beginning of the novel, Zetian hesitates to kill Yang Guang at first, believing she might be mistaken due to his charms, but by the story’s conclusion, she has progressed to torturing and killing An Lushan in cold blood before murdering dozens of people without regret. Zetian’s revenge quest escalates in scale from the personal to the societal, and the increasing severity of the crimes she is willing to commit to acquire her revenge reflects the increasing complexity of her targets, and by extension, her overarching ambitions.

The obsession with revenge requires Zetian to give up nearly everything about herself: her bodily autonomy, her public image, and her ability to let her guard down around others. Zetian believes she is only capable of keeping one thing throughout her quest for revenge: her dignity, which she defines as “the values and boundaries you set for yourself” (114). Zetian thus becomes complicit with the very system she seeks to escape and accepts men’s views of her in a calculated attempt to achieve her larger goals. “Purity,” sexual or otherwise, does not matter to Zetian nearly as much as achieving her revenge and transforming Huaxia into a more equitable society. The high value that Zetian places on dignity thus allows her to retain a sense of self throughout the increasingly bleak and disempowering situations she finds herself in.

When Gao Qiu forces Zetian to strip and read their contract while he films her, Zetian’s larger and more abstract sense of dignity allows her to power through the situation. While her quest for revenge leads her to seemingly acquiesce to the demands of men, it is ultimately her sense of dignity that allows her to use these demeaning events to achieve her own ends. This mindset is proven by her internal contemplations when Qiu forces her to strip, for she comments, “My thoughts clear. I wrestle myself out of the pit of endless shame that my family has beaten me into all my life, and this scenario suddenly becomes hilarious” (239). Although Zetian’s oppression under the patriarchy has instilled her with the idea that her nude body is somehow shameful, her powerful sense of inner dignity pulls her through this manipulation and allows her to preserve a strong sense of self despite the increasingly bleak actions she must take to gain revenge.

Romance and Sexuality While Coming of Age

Wu Zetian must also navigate and reevaluate a variety of toxic ideas about sexuality and romance while she grows into adulthood and power. Zetian’s relationships with Yizhi and Shimin thus challenge her to unpack and discard many damaging ideas about sexuality and relationships. Initially, Zetian does not believe that she can be intimately involved with a man without being hurt or devaluing herself in some way. When Zetian tries to seduce Yang Guang to kill him, she thinks sex is “the thing my family has only ever spoken of as the utmost crime. The surrender of what is supposedly ‘the most precious gift’ I could give to a boy” (58). Zetian’s ability to explore her sexuality is criminalized while her virginity is simultaneously treated as the only thing of value she possesses. This outlook on sex, coupled with the sexual violence perpetrated by many men in Huaxia, leads Zetian to fear exploring her sexuality with men, and this mindset is reinforced by her fear of sexual assault the first night she is forced to sleep in Shimin’s cell. When Shimin does not behave as she expects, Zetian merely believes him to be a liar who will eventually hurt her, and that his unexpected self-control and lack of desire to hurt her are merely an “act” (122). Zetian has been conditioned to believe that sexual violence is inevitable, that her body is not her own property to explore, and that once she has had sex, she will lose value as a person. Zetian’s sexual encounters with both Yizhi and Shimin are therefore an act of liberation that allows her to realize her own wants and needs while rebelling against the views around women’s sexuality in Huaxia.

Zetian’s relationship with Yizhi and Shimin challenges the ideas about love and companionship that have also been instilled in her alongside Huaxian ideas about women’s sexuality. Since women are treated as sexual property in Huaxia, they are also romantic property. Zetian’s role models for love between men and women have shown her that a woman is a husband’s property in every respect. When Zetian talks to Yizhi about the nature of their love triangle, Yizhi challenges these ideas by telling her that love is “infinite” and that she is not property to be fought over (250). For Yizhi, love is a matter of happiness. He loves Zetian and wants her to be happy, so if Shimin adds to that happiness, then that will make Yizhi happier by extension. The polyamory between the three main characters cements these new ideas about love that Zetian has discovered, and the three of them are much happier together than if they were traditionally monogamous and caught in a jealous love triangle.

Wu Zetian’s explorations of sexuality and romance are often the only point of light in her journey as her quest for revenge becomes darker and more extreme. The exploration of sexuality and relationships in a gender-based dystopia is a direct challenge to the foundation of that bleak setting. By exploring sexuality and relationships along Zetian’s quest for revenge, Zhao suggests that the damaging ideas of the past and patriarchy are not inescapable.