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This essay appeared in its third iteration in Woolf’s collection The Second Common Reader. The Common Reader was a collection of Woolf’s essays addressed not to critics or authors but, as the name implies, to the average reader. It was published in two volumes as a collection of Woolf’s ongoing essay writing, in 1925 and 1932. The Common Reader attempts to equip the average reader with the tools to read, understand, and even judge great literature. In all, her collection provides an introduction to many of the relevant authors of her time. The book’s title suggests many meanings. The noun “reader” refers to the person reading but is also a term for an educational collection of works: a “primer” or a program of reading to be worked though. “Common” means “ordinary” but also “in common”: a “common room” is a room in universities where students or teachers gather with their peers socialize and share ideas. In calling her book the “common reader” Woolf suggests that she and her readers share a communal experience: they read “in common” with each other.
Published soon after she had written several of her most famous works like To The Lighthouse (1927) and A Room of One’s Own (1929), The Second Common Reader is representative of Woolf’s literary thinking at the time. She provides wide-ranging analysis of key authors, especially women, including Mary Wollstonecraft, Dorothy Wordsworth, and George Meredith. Essay titles in the second collection include “Cowper and Lady Austen,” “Robinson Crusoe,” and “The Novels of Thomas Hardy.” In “How Should One Read a Book?” Woolf compares these authors’ distinct styles, suggesting that the composition of this essay formed a key part of formulating the ideas later published in The Second Common Reader. “How Should One Read a Book?” was included as the final essay of the collection, in a slightly revised form.
While the essay claims that readers should not bow to the authority of critics or writers, her language and references are arguably too complex for any “common” reader: the intellectual and educational standard of the work is very high. Furthermore, the essay begins by assuming that the reader of the essay has a house with a “drawing room” and a “dining room” and even a “reading room,” suggesting that she addresses a wealthy readership, as most of the original addressees at the private girls’ school would have been. Woolf is actively grappling with the role of critics in her work, trying to write herself into an answer that benefits readers and writers both. After exploring several different answers, she lands on the idea that ultimately one should read for one’s own pleasure. Nevertheless, truly understanding this essay collection requires background knowledge of several authors, writing styles, literary movements, and characters, to the point that an essay entitled “How Should One Read The Second Common Reader?” has been humorously proposed as a helpful amendment to Woolf’s collection of essays.
Until she was 15, Virginia Woolf was homeschooled, a conventional form of education for young upper-class women. She was raised in Victorian society by her mother, renowned as an artistic and virtuous woman, and her father, a famous literary figure and member of the Victorian establishment. From a wealthy family, Woolf has access to private tutors and freely read her father’s literary collections. From the age of 15 until 19, she was allowed to study classics and history at the Ladies’ Department of King’s College London, which enabled privileged young women to access some of the elements of an intellectual education. Nevertheless, Woolf later admitted her resentment towards her father over the fact that her brothers were automatically given a full formal education at school and university, a life choice that he forbade her as a woman. In this context, Woolf considered herself to be largely self-taught and at an educational disadvantage compared to her male peers.
It is relevant that Woolf’s essay breaks down the process of critical reading —a process usually taught to men in higher education but one to which she, other women, and less privileged men, had less formal access. As was standard in this time, Woolf uses male pronouns to refer to “the author” throughout her essay, but it is not unintentional that the collection is written to a common “reader,” not a common “man”. Further, Woolf is sure to write that reading enriches the lives of “men and women,” that nonfiction lets people understand the suffering that “men and women” have endured, and that reading has propelled people to evolve from “pigs to men and women.” She compares Austen’s work as equal to that of leading male authors. Part of Woolf’s purpose in the essay—as in much of her work—is to elevate an intellectual and literary community that includes women.
By Virginia Woolf
A Haunted House
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A Haunted House and Other Short Stories
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A Room of One's Own
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Between The Acts
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Jacob's Room
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Kew Gardens
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Modern Fiction
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Moments of Being
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Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown
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Mrs. Dalloway
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The Death of the Moth
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The Duchess and the Jeweller
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The Lady in the Looking Glass
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The Mark on the Wall
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The Voyage Out
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The Waves
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Three Guineas
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