46 pages 1 hour read

Kirby Larson

Hattie Big Sky

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2006

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Essay Topics


Research the Council of Defense during World War I. Is the local version in the story true to the mission that it was created for? What is the impact of personal bias and desire for power on an entity like the Council? Do you feel the Council in the story did more harm than good? Why or why not?


What is the significance of the theme of American Identity and Patriotism? Why are the citizens of Vida so wary of the German immigrants? How does the misinformation about the German immigrants spread?


Describe the character of Traft Martin. What is his reasoning for his extreme beliefs? Is this connected to his complex feelings about why he cannot fight in the war? What were his motivations in trying to save the Muellers’ and Hattie’s barns? Is he a sympathetic character? Why or why not?

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By Kirby Larson